Wood Pellet
Wood Pellet is an energy services company (ESC) specialized in the installation of biomass boilers in Salamanca. Its main energy efficiency offer is based on the replacement of old heat-generating installations with fossil fuel boilers (diesel or coal) for modern and efficient thermal biomass boilers. At Wood Pellet we carry out the comprehensive process of customized project, construction, installation, maintenance and supply.
Wood Pellet works closely and directly with each of its clients. Thanks to its own highly qualified team, it offers a reliable global service. This equipment guarantees the operation of your new biomass boiler with a performance of up to 90%, complying with Spanish and European regulations.
Wood Pellet is a company that is committed to sustainable development by promoting the exclusive use of thermal biomass in its facilities. Biomass , unlike the increasingly scarce and expensive fossil fuels, is a clean energy resource with sufficient production on our peninsula.
Wood Pellet guarantees a level of savings of up to 60% based on the change of fuel. This allows you to transform your previous coal or diesel installation into a thermal biomass one without the need to make an extra investment. In this way, the client will be able to opt for a amortization of the investment through an energy services contract.
at Wood Pellet we seek the comfort of our customers. With the design and execution of our facilities, we improve the comfort and efficiency of the systems. In this way, we achieve that comfort is the true objective of our performance. In addition, the customer buys the energy already transformed.
IBTc Certificate
own installers
The Wood Pellet experience
Industrial facilities
Location : Isla Cristina (Huelva) Type of boiler : Biomass Steam Boiler Installation for wood chips. Characteristics : It is a cannery with a high heat consumption in its fish conservation and salting processes. Consumption : Annually its average consumption is 1836 Tons of chips. CO2 emissions : It has stopped emitting 2,070 tons of CO2.
Tertiary Sector Facilities
Location : Miranda de Azán Type of boiler : Installation of 250 KWh Biomass Boiler for pellets. Characteristics : Nursing home with 200 resident places, with supply for heating and DHW transformed from a diesel boiler. CO2 emissions : It has stopped emitting 146 tons of CO2.
Installations in communities
COMMUNITY OF OWNERS in Ctra. Ledesma. Salamanca.
Location : Salamanca Type of boiler : 500 KWh Biomass Boiler installation for pellets. Characteristics : Community of neighbors with energy supply for Heating and Sanitary Hot Water, transformed from a coal boiler. CO2 emissions : It has stopped emitting 253 tons of CO2.